Presence in Strength Training — The Code of Restraint

Hello there, and welcome back to my series on bringing presence to strength training. One of my big ambitions has been to bring Yoga into strength training, and to bring strength back to westernized Yoga. My dream has been to find a balance between the two.  You see, they’re better together. Last week, I offered …

How Breathing Makes Your Brain Bigger

It turns out, breathing is good for you. Who would have thought it to be true!? In a study done at Trinity College Dublin, researchers found that breath-work enhances concentration, focus, and can even lead to growth of new connections in the brain. Take a breath. Inhale for one-one-thousand, two-one-thousand, three-one-thousand, four-one-thousand. Hold for one-one-thousand, …

Get Lit

GET LIT: Water is great, but plants don’t grow without SUNLIGHT. Neither do you. Our bodies run on the natural light cycle, we call this our circadian rhythm. This rhythm is based on zeitgebers (time-givers) that tell your body when to begin and end processes. When you get light within 30 minutes of waking, your …

What’s Going On

Hello there! Looking to learn a bit more? Here's what I've been up to lately: Recording a podcast about Yoga and Breathwork with the crew over at Inside Out, which you can listen to here. Recording a podcast for Exercise is Health about SOMA Breath with the crew at Muscle Activation Techniques - Schaumburg. You …